Mary Bond

Named in father's will of 1760 (see his Notes).

Named in husband Henry Greenfield Sothoron's will (see his Notes).

** Brother’s will - Maryland

Will of Gerrard Bond. Brother: Richard Bond, my land known as "Maiden Bower" or "Rich Neck". The residue of my estate is to be divided into 14 parts and distributed as follows. Sister: Susanna Bates, two parts. To: Sister Jordan's children, two parts. Sister: Mary Sothoron, two parts. Niece: Philippa Lewellin, two parts. Brother: William Bond, four parts. Brother: Richard Bond, two parts. Executor: Brother, Richard Bond. Wit.: Sarah Attaway Neale, Benoni Neale, Charles Neale (Reno* {Wills JJ#1:489}, St. Mary’s Co., 1789.09.21, Proved 1789.12.18)

** Tax Assessment Records (Fenwick*) - Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

1801. Mary Sothoron. Slaves: 20; 174 oz. Pl. 72.10.0. Lands: Orphans Gift, 394 acres. Personal: 137.10.0. Total: 1800.0.0.

1806. Mary Sothoron. Slaves: 30; 152 oz. Pl. 62.10.0. Lands: Orphans Gift, 420 acres. Personal: 198.0.0. Total: 2016.0.0

1812 (Real Estate only). Mary Sothoron. Lands: Orphans Gift, 420 acres. Total: 1260.0.0.

** Census Schedules - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

In 1798 Mary Sothoron of Upper Res. Hundred owned 23 slaves. Carothers*, St. Mary’s Co.,1798)

1800 Census - Mary Southern, Line 50.

Free white males 16 - 25....1
26 - 44....1
females 16 - 25....1

1810 Census - Mary Sothoron, page 271 (196)

Free white males 16 - 25....1
females 16-25....1

** Will & Estate - Maryland

In the name of God, Amen; I Mary Sothoron of Saint Marys County and State of Maryland, being on the uncertainty of this life, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament; trusting that through the medium of our blessed redeemer I shall receive forgiveness of my sins, I do dispose of my worldly property as hereafter mentioned, viz: Item 1st, I request that all my debts (if any) shall be paid with as little delay as possible. Item 2nd, I give and bequeath unto my son John Sothoron a negro woman called nan and her three children Mary Robert and Vernon with their future increase. Item 3rd, I give and bequeath unto my Son Zachariah Sothoron a negro Boy called Anthony a boy called Philip (son of Anny) and a Girl called Rachel also the Daughter of Anna. Item 4th, I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Sothoron a negro woman Carissa, and her two children Anna and George. Item 5th, I give and bequeath unto my son James F. Sothoron a Negro Man called Tom, and a negro boy called George (the son of Anna). Item 6th, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Smith a negro man called Cyrus and his wife, a negro woman called Monica and their children, namely Cena, Thomas, Edward, Nicholas, Hansson Caroline and a negro man John the son of Cillar with their future increase. Item 7th, I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Eleanor Gardiner a negro man called Bill and his wife a negro woman called Henny and their children, namely Nelly, Richard, Philip, Sally and Aaron, and a negro man called Charles and Tom the son of Lillian and a negro woman called Pamela with their future increase. Item 8th, I give and bequeath unto my two Grand Daughters, Mary Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas, a negro Boy called Nace, a negro woman called Anna, Peg and Milly, also a negro woman called Phyllis and her children namely Mary, Ann, William, Margaret, Lot, Nelly and Henry and their future increase. Item 9th, I Give and bequeath unto my Son James Forbes Sothoron, negro Esther, Nance, Cillea and crease and for their faithful service rendered to me; request that my son James will treat them with attention and kindness. Item 10th I do hereby request that my Executors hereafter mentioned will apply one Hundred Dollars of my Estate at their discretion to the poore and needy. Item 12th I do hereby authorise my Executors hereafter mentioned , to sell at private sale my part of my unbequeathed property, as they may deem necessary, for the purpose of paying off the above legacy or for any other purpose the settlement of my Estate may possibly render a sale necessary and I do request that a publick sale of any part of my property shall not be made on any account whatever and that my said Executors after the above requests are complyed with and the legacy paid off, shall appoint three persons of known propity and discretion to divide the residue of my estate unto Seven equal parts vis, John Sothoron Zachariah Sothoron Henry Sothoron James Forbes Sothoron Ann Smith and Eleanor Gardiner, one Share or part thereof, and I do also give and bequeath unto my Grand daughters Mary Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas the other Seventh part or share thereof, to be equally divided between them, share and share alike. Item, 13th lastly I do appoint and constitute my son John Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron, Henry Sothoron and James F. Sothoron Executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and nullifying all former wills by me made heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last will and Testament. In Testimony thereof I have herewith set my hand and affixed my seale this fifth day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.
Signed Sealed published and delivered by )
Mary Sothoron the above Testatrix as     (
for her last will and Testament, in the        ) Mary Sothoron (Seal)
presence of us who at the request and in (
her presence, have subscribed our names )
as witnesses hereof.                                (
John. T. Hawkins, Elander Howe

- Whereas I Mary Sothoron of Saint Marys County have heretofore Signed Sealed & executed my last will and testament bearing date he fifth day of August one Thousand Eight hundred and twenty three and attested in the presence of John T. Hawkins and Elander Howe, and being desirous of making a codicil thereto, Do make the following as my codicil to my said last will and testament as above refered to, I hereby Give and bequeath to my dutiful and attentive niece Clara Griffin or to her legal representative two hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my son James Forbes Sothoron out of arrearages & rent rise of negroes & Stock and so forth, as I may not have released the required Sum. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventy day of November, Eighteen hundred & twenty four, and do hereby declare & publish this as my last will and testament, heretofore refered to,
Signed Sealed & published and delivered       )
by Mary Sothoron the above testatrix          (
as for her codicil to her last will and               )
testament therein referred to in presence      (  Mary Sothoron (Seal)
of us who at her request and in her presence  )
have Subscribed our names as witnesses     (
hereof                                                           )
H.G.S. Key, Elender Howe                        (    Saint Marys County sworn this 5ay(?) of March 1825 . Then came Henry Sothoron and made oath on the Holy Evangels of almighty God that the annexed instrument of writing is the true and whole last will & Codicil of Mary Sothoron late of Saint Marys County, Deceased, that have come to his or her possession, and that he doth not know of any other.
- Certified by Jas. Forrest Reg. of Wills for Saint Marys County
- Saint Marys County, ss, the 5th day of March 1835. Then came John T. Hawkins and Eleanor Howe the two subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will and testament of Mary Sothoron late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see Testatrix therein named sign and seal this will and that they heard her publish, pronounce & declare the same to be her last will & Testament, that at the time of her signing she was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix and in the presence of each other.
- Certified by Jas. Forrest, Reg. Wills for Saint Mary’s County
- Saint Marys County ss, the 5th day of March 1825. Then came Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key and Eleanor Briscoe the three(sic) Subscribing witnesses to the Codicil attached to the last will and testament of Mary Sothoron late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the Testatrix therein named sign and seal said Codicil, and that they heard her publish, pronounce and declare the same to be a Codicil to her last will and testament, that at the time of her so doing, she was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they respectfully subscribed their names as witnesses to said Codicil in the presence and at the request of the said Testatrix and in the presence of each other.
- Certified by Jas. Forrest Reg wills for Saint Marys County
- We refuse to serve as Executors under the will of our Mother .
John Sothoron, for himself
Zachariah Sothoron
James F. Sothoron

(Wills JF#1:131, St. Mary’s Co., 1823.08.05, Proved 1825.03.05)

Henry Sothoron, of Chas Co, has obtained from Orphans Crt of St. Mary’s Co, Md, ltrs test, with will annexed on prsnl est of Mary Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co, dec’d (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:302, St. Mary’s Co., Reported 1826.01.23)

Account of the sale of the personal estate of Zachariah Sothoron, including: 24 slaves, 19 cattle, 7 horses, 45 sheep, 7 yoke oxen, 5 calves, 6 beds with furniture, 12 Windsor chairs, 12 volume Nicholson's Encyclopedia, various books & Bibles. Includes property received of Henry Sothoron, executor of Mary Sothoron & belonging to the estate of Zachariah. Includes 18 cattle brought from Bond's Retreat & belonging to Zachariah's estate. Appraised value $7,367.29; sale proceeds $7,294.65¾. (Proc Orphans Court :239, Charles Co., 1826.10.25, Recorded 1826.11.21)

On application of Henry Sothoron Executor of Mary Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased It is ordered by the court that the said executor give the notice required by law for the creditors to exhibit their claims against the Estate of the deceased, and that the same be published once a week for four weeks in the National Intelligencer, a newspaper published in the District of Columbia. (Blackwell* {Proc Orphans Court :8}, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.12)

First account of Henry Sothoron, executor of Mary Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., by William H. Sothoron, executor of Henry Sothoron of Charles Co.. Notes various debts, including payment to Rev. J. Reynolds for funeral services for dec'd. Net value of estate $10,767.85¼. (Admin Accts EJM#1(MdHR WK-282-283):414, St. Mary’s Co., 1833.03.08, Recorded 1833.03.08)

** Estate of son - Maryland

Identified in estate of George D. Sothoron as his mother, and was a beneficiary in that estate (see his Notes).

Inventory of debts owing to George W. Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd, per Henry G. S. Key, administrator de bonis non. Negroes bought by Mary Sothoron & John Sothoron at sales in 1819; by Henry Sothoron at sale on 27 Feb 1819. Due $2,875. (Orphans Court EIM#2(MHS CR-35707):206, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1831.02.04)

First & final account of Henry G. S. Key, administrator de bonis non of George D. Sothoron.

- Account of Mary Sothoron due dec'd from interest from 27 May 1819: $1,544

- Monies also due from John Sothoron, Henry Sothoron.

- Account balance $5,198.95¾. (Admin Accts EJM#1(MHS WK-282-283):157, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)

** Miscellaneous

Mary & husband Henry Greenfield Sothoron witnessed will of George Frazier Hawkins (see his Notes).

Mary Sothoron, St. Mary’s county, near Benedict, offers reward for negro Tom, 30, about 6' tall, very raw boned, long feet. (Wright(1)* :25 - Columbian Chronicle, Washington, DC, Reported 1794.07.15)

In jail-runaways. Will, who says he belongs to Mrs. Mary Southen of St. Mary’s Co., nr Benedict, says he’s been a runaway upwards 2 yrs. (Dixon*, 1800-1805.:105, Washington Co., DC, Reported 1802.10.20)

Died, nr Charlotte Hall, Md, at the residence of Mrs Mary Sothoron, Nell Courcey, a negro woman, aged 130 years. She had been deaf & totally blind for the last 16 years of her life, but enjoyed good health (Dixon*, 1821-1823.:18, Charlotte Hall, 1821.01.16, Reported 1821.02.13)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MHS M227,M258}, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., 1824)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.